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YOGI TEA Breathe Deep - 17 Teabags 30.6g (Pack of 6)


YOGI TEA Breathe Deep - 17 Teabags 30.6g (Pack of 6)


Fulfilling, light, casual. As a yogi, you soon learn to appreciate conscious breathing. This is what this tea seeks to evoke. Sip for sip, it fills your entire body like a deep breath, thanks to refreshing eucalyptus and spicy thyme. We breathe – and feel free! The tea for everyone who wants to breathe deeply.


Eucalyptus*, liquorice*, ginger*, basil*, cardamom*, cinnamon*, mullein*, alfalfa*, fennel*, thyme*, elecampane*, vanilla extract*, cloves*, black pepper*, vanilla beans*.

* Certified organic